How Thieves Oil Can Help You More Than One Way?

While researching and collecting information’s about essential oils, you might have come across a certain thing called thieves oil. But what is thieves oil or so to say thieves of marseilles remedy ? If you dig deep further about this oil you will see it's a blend of different essential oils, mostly Cinnamon, Clove, Lemon, Eucalyptus and rosemary. But what's the benefit of using theives oil? Well, there are many including boosting the immune system and fighting infections.
But what does research say about this thieves oil? Can you use it on a day-to-day basis? If you are thinking all these questions you have come across the right place. So, go on and discover more.

Researched benefits

While searching with the name- thieves of marseilles essential oil benefits, you may have seen it is used to boost the immunity of the body, has antimicrobial activity. This essential oil even has the ability to fight congestion created from respiratory issue nasal and promote a healthy cardiovascular system. However, many of these benefits are actually based on the anecdotal claims which means they are primarily based on the personal testimony and experience. Therefore, many of the researchers have worked hard and found the real results of the properties of the thieves of marseilles essential oil- and they relate to the health and wellness of every human being.

Yes, research on five thieves oil is very limited. If you look at the older studies you would see that thieves oil significantly reduced the airborne levels of three different kinds of bacteria. Isn't it fascinating!

Benefits of using thieves of Marseilles essential oil

Thieves oil or 5 Thieves oil is mainly a mixture of five oils- lemon, Rosemary, clove, eucalyptus and cinnamon. So naturally this 5 thieves oil can work on treating several diseases. For example, Cinnamon and clove oils are very effective on the Lyme disease because of their antimicrobial properties. Whereas, eucalyptus oil has antimicrobial activity on E. Coli and skin infection bacteria.


Although not only being used for its antimicrobial properties, 5 Thieves oil can heal wounds as well. The cinnamon oil itself worked perfectly on the wound healing and so does the eucalyptus oil. Eucalyptus oil also has the potential for relieving the pain as well.

Effect on the mood
We have already talked about thieves of marseilles essential oil being exceptionally wonderful on healing the wounds and relieving the pain, But do you know this essential oil can also be used to uplift your mood? Yes, you heard it right. Inhaling the Rosemary oil can work on your mood and also has the stimulating effect on heart rate, blood pressure, skin temperature and other physical measures. Research also showed that people who inhaled Rosemary oil felt fresh and more active than other people.

In conclusion
Therefore, this miraculous oil is something that works as a boon in your day-to-day life. Whether you use it in steam inhalation, or massage this Thieves oil will do the wonder.


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