Do Men Need Vitamin Supplements?

In a perfect world, food provides everyone with all the necessary nourishment, vitamins, and minerals. It's wishful thinking, though. To achieve government dietary recommendations, men between the ages of 31 and 50 must consume 150% more fruit and 350% more dark green vegetables daily. In reality, guys are nutritionally deficient in almost every area. Meat and beans are an exception.

Essential Vitamins for Men's Health: Vitamin D

Getting enough vitamin D from diet is challenging. Many men who spend their days working indoors do not receive enough sun exposure, which is necessary for the body to produce vitamin D. The majority of males can gain advantages from a daily vitamin D intake of 1,000 IU (international units).

What you must know about vitamin D dosage for men:

With age, vitamin D's importance increases since it's necessary for calcium absorption and prevents weak muscles and bones. A recent study indicated that men with low vitamin D levels were twice as likely to experience a heart attack as men with normal levels and that vitamin D deficiency may raise the risk for colon cancer. 

On the other hand, unless your doctor suggests differently, you should remain below 2,000 IU of vitamin D because too much of it might lead to weakness and weariness. Salmon, cod liver oil, sardines, milk, egg yolks, cheese, orange juice, yogurt, and fortified morning cereal are all excellent sources of vitamin D.

What Vitamins and Supplements Should Men Take Daily? 

The human body needs thirteen vitamins and at least 16 vital minerals for good health. Men and women have distinct needs, even though all people need a range of essential vitamins and minerals daily. Supplements for men usually do not contain iron, but women's supplements typically do since women of reproductive age require more iron than men of the same age do. If you're wondering how much vitamin D per day for a man daily, remember that it depends on your age and lifestyle.

  • Vitamin D

Your muscles use vitamin D Canada with each movement. Additionally, this vitamin supports calcium absorption and maintains a robust immune system. Fatty fish and milk are excellent sources. Vitamin D is added to cereal, orange juice, soy drinks, yogurt, and margarine.

  • Vitamin C

BPH, or benign prostatic hyperplasia, is a prostate enlargement that commonly affects older men and impairs urination. Consuming vitamin C-rich fruits and vegetables is linked to a reduced risk of developing BPH. Good sources include broccoli, kiwifruit, oranges, strawberries, red and green peppers, potatoes, tomatoes, and grapefruit.

  • Vitamin A

Foods high in vitamin A can promote healthy vision and a strong immune system while lowering your prostate cancer risk. Milk, cheese, salmon, broccoli, carrots, green leafy vegetables, squash, melons, mangoes, and apricots are all excellent sources of vitamin A.

The primary line is that, as a guy, you should regularly take your vitamins. Particular people may require larger dosages and more of some vitamins than others. A solid multivitamin with all the above vitamins is a great place to start. You can purchase whichever vitamin best fits you personally. Finally, specialists will always advise discussing the vitamins you take with your doctor. They could recommend something more tailored to your body or boost the dosage. Take your vitamins and begin moving.


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